Saturday, 16 February 2008

feb 15th, clapham sarge, +expanding the reality of the dun man!

Went out with dunners and beballer. Kewl guys! Met up in oxford. Couple of girls were throwing themselves at me and Dunners but we just ignored them, hehe…. Then we hit up Clapham. Beeballer was mainly chillin with his ex girl (friend?) so it was me and dunners. He told me he doesn’t usually approach girls he finds attractive and goes indirect. I’m like “what? You’re HOT! Fuck this! Go say (yadda yadda) to those girls (HOT blonde and her ug friend) he went in and they loved it! I kept making him do that and he loved it. I send him to open this 2 set of sitting hotties and 1 of them was SO mean it was unreal. I just kept negging her back after she negged me and it got really ugly. I eject, but he (credit to him) goes back in and # closes his one! Apparently they were really nice when I left. Haha. Oh well. Can’t win them all. I went back in to the bitchy one just as a challenge to see if I could break her down – I was making progress when they went to get more booze… I then opened this HB9 I saw earlier at the bar (me and dunners were going to open but he wanted to check the back) and when we got back 2 guys were in there. Anyways I stuck in with this girl for around 30 mins. Great chat, she was a dentist, 25. very fucking hot. We make plans for hot choc on Tuesday. Dunners seems pretty chuffed to realize he can just go direct on any fuckin girl he fancies and it’s all good. I opened a hottie on the tube earlier and she fucking loved it even tho she had a BF. You really can just go for it. Funny, in set with the dentist I told her I was going to chat them up earlier but didn’t wanna be a dick when those 2 guys were trying it on…hehe… was really open about the whole thing. Got an interrupt from ( I think their friend?) but handled it gracefully. Let him know she was hooking up with me though pretty quick, hheheh… I just shuffled him over to her blonde friend and that was that….

Anywho then on the street there’s a fucking cute 3 set, 1 guy and 2 girls. I go for the single girl, joke around and get her #... she says she’s Lithuanian. She’s drunk and I say to dunners “that’s a flake, but if my phone game is strong maybe I can get her out. Maybe 33% I’ll see her again, if that….)

Dunnners you’re a natural baby you can have any of these chicks you want, no probs! All you had to do is what I did – accept that as your reality and just fucking go for it matey!!! You’re going to be fucking like a rock star!!! Diiiiiiiiireeeeeect motherfucker is where it’s at ! Xoxox I love u dude!!

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