Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Swimmin, yoga, girlies....

May 13th

Well, let's see. The girl from the bus did add me as a friend. I messaged her and she messaged back.... if she does i'll get her out on the weekend. she's cute... but a scientologist! YES I KNOW. But i wanna see what she says, and then i wanna see if i can talk her out of it. hehe.

The south American girl called me today!! yes, then one that was coming over and i'd left the phone off the hook like a retard. Based on this 5 min call, she'd DTF. she was nervous asking me if i was gonna call her tommorow. she really wants it. great. now, should i still invite her to the movie with other girls and my friends? or just fuck her? i'm not actually sure. whatever, the more the merrier i suppose... plus the more girls there are the more they all will want me so i think i wil invite her anyways. fuck it.

did i mention one of the super hotties added me from the weekend? she did - but didn't reply to my message. i kinda hate FB - cuz what do you do if they just ignore you? it's weak to try and message them more. with the phone i feel like i have more power. if they don't pick up they don't pikc up. but if they do i can really get some vibe energy shit going, you know? i mean a girl can really feel your energy over the phone. You can really continue what was happening in person. WTF can you do over facebook? Sure you can be interesting and build comfort blah blah. But it’s just not the same, u know? FB really is for inviting people to events and stuff. I’m really gonna put the time into sets to build the comfort so I can get girls number always. I think sometimes I just get lazy and think “yea gimmie your FB” …. But that’s a bit gay. Then again, yad swears by it. then (again) sometimes girls will give you the FB and not the number so it’s better than jack shit. We’ll see if I can lay any of the girl’s I’ve got going online and then I’ll decide I suppose….

Swimming baby, oh yea!!

I don’t think I really mentioned this before, directly. But, my ass is getting into shape. THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES! I’ve been swimming 3 or 4 times per week since I got back to T.O, along with 3 bikhram yoga classes (which are one fuck of a workout) … I can already feel extra lung capacity. Like the last time I swam 3 days ago, I could feel I could just inhale more. And tonight, after swimming continuously for around 20 mins, I was like ok, I’m really gonna push it. and I did 10 lengths across the pool, front crawl, and I was ok! I mean my heart was beating like a MOFO and my arms were tired, but I could have kept going! We split cuz the pool was closing… but shit 2 weeks ago, front crawl I’d be dying after 3 or 4 lengths. Mevermind 10 after swimming for 20 minutes… I’d have died!! It’s amazing how fast my heart is getting into shape. It’s happening FAST! But, I’m still a tubby fucker. Haha. Well not really…but the baby fat is there. I wanna get rid of that belly!!

I’ve started eating human sized portions. Like other people eat. You should have seen the portions before. WOW. They were nuts. I started the diet (and workout) the day I landed in Toronto. Now, for the first 2 days I was hungry ALL The time. Like STARVING. Then it got easier. Now it’s ok…

When I was pushing myself in the pool I was just thinking “ yea bitch, push, go more, keep going” … once you get in that zone you WANT to just push yourself. Same thing with yoga… I was like really pushing thru the pain, you know? I think in everything there is that “comfort threshold” that you just have to get thru

Same for sarging, swimming, learning kung fu, anything….. you just have to descide you are gonna get thru that shit. I think it’s partially a matter of discipline. You just have to descide that you have it. that you are one stubborn son of a bitch, and when you decide on some shit, nothing is gonna stop you. At all. Ever.

Also, I’m realizing that, most people live their lives truly based on fear. FEAR!!

Fear of the girl, fear of loosing your job, or a friend, fear of death. FEAR!

I’ve been living this way too – this is why I’ve sabotaged myself a few times in live…. I’ve been scared to succeed. Everything is linked. The way you live your life pours itself into every aspect of everything you do

If you live in fear, the girls will feel it and they will stay away

you won’t push yourself in the pool, the gym, at work … fear will always be there to stop you. There’s always SOMEthing to be afraid of

imagine if you got rid of fear? If you just conquered it? imagine how you’d live your life. You wouldn’t even be the same person. I really got to thinking about this because of a vid ace sent me. Here is the link, check it out, it’s pretty awesome.

Also, has anyone read that book he’s talking about, conversations with god? Ace said it basically explains that there is no death… I truly believe that now too. Can’t wait to rea it - I’m gonna order it right after I post this so soon I’ll read it…

I finally realized the reason, I’ve never been able to do a proper front crawl (when u get your head under the water) in my whole life. I was afraid. Afraid the water would go up my nose. And afraid (Even when I was doing it) that my head would hit the end of the pool (Because you have to keep your eyes closed, especially with long hair)

FEAR! I just couldn’t LET GO. And I was doing it today… not 100%, but I was doing the motherfucking front crawl, under the water, for the first time ever. All the way across the pool.

I’m gonna start mui thai training next week to add to the yoda and swimming. Haha. Yea I’m SERIOUS!!

Fuck yeah!!

Ohhhhh I had a catch up with my mate Keychain yesterday via skype. For those that don’t know, he was one of my students in Project Rockstar where they took a bunch of noobs and put them into intense pua training. He’s a musician and is doing great, doing shows all over! I love skype. It’s so cool how u can chat with your friends anywhere in the world for free!! Keychain is very good. Once we did an awesome set with these 2 smooooking hot girls. we swapped details with one girl each… then a few days later I add mine on myspace and saw she was 15 !!! When I met him later that day I was like panicking and shit “dude. I gotta tell you something. What happened with that girl you met in our set!?” … he’s like “nothing…” I was yelling and shit “you fucked her didn’t you! You fucker!! THEY ARE 15 bro!! we’re going to jail! Aaah!” … but he didn’t fuck her. But my panicking was kinda funny at the time. Hehe. He’s really good at rapid escalation stuff… he’s written an article about it on his blog. Check it out here if you’re interested:

I’m gonna try some of that stuff in da club this weekend… If I can find some tasty ladies…. it’s gonna be a fun few weeks….

ohhhhhhhhh - i only realized that i can reply to people's little comments there in the box on my blog. before this i was sometimes answering them in my blog. i am a fucktard. so from now on, if you ask me any shit i will answer it, in the comments section. unless you post anonymously. then i might not. but i might. depends on the quesition, really. and if i think you're a tosswipe.


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