My buddy MC told me something he noticed about daygame. HE said
“I’ve noticed that when I open well, the rest of the set goes fine. Even if I stop talking, the girls will stand there. And sometimes they’ll say stuff, or ask me questions. But they don’t try and get away. Also because I know I can open properly i’m no longer afraid of what’s going to happen after I open. I think it was the fear of failure that kept me from opening well. Not that I know I can open well, I don’t have that fear in the back of my mind anymore – so the sets go fine!”
Interesting. I knew opening was important. I guess for Emcee it was even more important than for the rest of us. I always wondered wtf was going on with him. He’s funny and all that but just always is saying how he sucks with girls, etc. even recently, he was actually sleeping with 2 girls. 2 girls. and yet he’s moaning about how he sucks. What the fuck is that? I’d say to him “you’re fine. You’ve just got all these negative thoughts in your head about your game” and he’d say “I know I know” but then wouldn’t change shit. I guess he needs to change his beliefs. This is some deep inner game shit. this really illustrates how you have to have your inner game down before you even go out to sarge… otherwise it’s just going to be frustrating.
So many guys out there can’t get any results in field…but that’s because girls can tell immediately if you have your shit together or not. Then can tell straight away! I think really getting one’s inner game sorted should be everyone’s first priority. Get your life together. Your beliefs. Your goals. Who are you? What do you want? Why are you on this fucking planet? If you know the answers to these questions, you will find yourself not even worrying about about girls…. they will flock to you like a chinaman to a rice parade.
(I like throwing in a bit of unnecessary rasicm to my analogies. Just to spice things up)
I think it did it backwards, lol. I got better with girls, and then that brought me to get the rest of my life together (which I’m still working on, obviously) …..
I guess most of us in game do it ass backward. Weird I guess. But I suppose getting your shit together is better than not getting your shit together. Does it really matter, the order? As long as we all get there in the end.
Shit tho – I’ve said this before. Pickup is just “self help” with the focus on getting laid. The concepts, exercises, … most of the principles are exactly the same. Half the stuff from the “blueprint” is Eckhart tolle and classic self help stuff. Of course, you have to study that other shit to realize where it comes from. But most things in “game” are just borrowed concepts re-shaped and applied to “getting pussy!”
Go figure.
Not all – there are some genuine pioneers out there. But on a deep level I believe you could get near the same success with women just doing a tony robins, self help shit, and bettering yourself. Actually nah. It still won’t get you thru your AA. Lol. But …. You know what I mean.
I digress. So yea – opening well. It’s really important :P