FAcebook turnaround!!
Ok, I just turned a “Dead” facebook set into a live one. I know lots of you have “Dead” numbers so I thought I’d share what I did….
First, I just send this girl an invite out to one of my comedy shows (but you could invite them out to anything interesting you are doing….
She replies:
Sasha! I'm so sorry I have to work on Friday night:(. I'm going to have the month of July off though so any time you are doing something I can actually come! For now my schedule is really packed. I love comedy shows, please let me know about everything!!! :)
I wrote back:
does that include parties / yoga / movie nights? or just comedy?
what's your deal anyways. you're one of those "facebook friends" i know nothing about
what do you love the most?
who do you love the most?
what's your favorite food?
do you believe in god?
ok that will do ;)
She wrote back:
what do you love the most? Yoga and Photography
who do you love the most? My parents?
what's your favorite food? Sushi
do you believe in god? Of course
Now you answer.
Aha! She’s falle into my trap. I’ve asked her stuff that I can give (at least one) very interesting answer about ….
I reply:
What do I love the most: Comedy and male/female relations (I write articles about that)
Who do I love the most: My gran, who just died. If living, all of my friends.... i can't pick
Food: tough one. i think korean food ... they have this thing with veggies and rice and this hot sauce. the best place is actually downtown ... i'm going tommorow!!
god: recently i discovered re-incarnation - i actually had an "enlightening" where i felt all happy, got a wave of heat thru my body and understood why we're all here. was intense
have u considered we've all been here before, and will be again? watch this:
Hey I recently started doing yoga too!! I did bikram yoda 3 times (almost DIED from the heat!!) and now i'm trying more "normal" yoda at downward dog. i got a 2 week pass - i love it! i have a fucked up back so i'm hoping it will help me long term... i plan on using all the intro offers at all the studios in town ... muhahahah
how long u been doing yoda, what type/where do u go?
…… she replies
Sasha!!! Well it looks like we are more similar than I thought.
1. I want to read some of your articles about male/female relationships!!!!
2. Korean food is yummy! Although I'm a vegan now and can hardly eat any korean.
3. I have believed in past lives since I was eighteen. It took me a long time to believe it but it finally all started making sense to me. Why we stick to certain friends forever, why I'm scared of having my hands tied behind my back, etc. I know I've lived many past lives and I want to talk to a psychic to find out more about them. However I do know this is my last life.
4. Where did you do Bikram yoga?
5. Have you heard of partner yoga? If not: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw7k35icPNw
6. Would you consider doing partner yoga with me? I'm dying to do it but can not find a male! I think it's so beautiful and also might be a good topic for one of your male/female articles.
7. Yoga will completely and utterly heal your back, but you do have to be careful at first until it becomes stronger.
8. LOL I've done the intro offers all over the city before hahha.
9. I've been doing yoga for about 7 years, all kinds. I started with Kundalini and LOVED it.
K ciao xoxoxoxo I'm going to watch the past lives vid now!
I’ve got her. That’s it!! this girl is SMOOOOOOOKing hot.
I’ve had ZERO interaction with her before…. And now this! Now I’ve got a real shot!
All I did:
a) Invite her out to something:
b) Accuse her of being a lousy FB friend I know nothing about, take an interest, LEAD with questions
c) She answers and asks me back
d) Give her some interesting info about myself
And we’re away!
From here I suppose I’ll qualify her a bit more on the type of girl she is (take an interest) and eventually say “cool, let’s go do yoda together!”
Note: I tried to revive another one that went like this.
(remember i said i met 4 hotties a while back, and one was really protective and said she's add me? well she did but she's being cold: here's the interaction)
so i invite them to a comedy show and ask her the names of her friends so i can add them
she says:
sorry we r working that day.
but good luck.
i already told them to add u, so it's up to them.
I say:
i find it really cute how you protect your friends from the big, hairy bad guys out there. you don't have to worry tho... i'm ok :)
hey what's your spiritual alignment - do you believe in re-incarnation?
her reply:
I guess I do...why?
i say:
Well, i had this eye opening spiritual enlightenment a couple weeks ago... like feeling complete joy, and understanding why we're all here and all that. it was nuts - so now it's kinda my new obsession. hehe
but i dunno you had a "re-incarnation" type of look about you, i guess!! is it in your family or you kind of figured it out on your own? what's your background.. u look indian? you'd have a natural inclination towards it in that case....
she says:
i'm not indian.
now, i could just drop it right here. but, wouldn't it be funnier if i fucked her? hehe
she's being cold. i'm guessing i just have to ADD VALUE and keep being fun etc........
i'll wait a day and say "so where are you from? funny thing.... (add value) and try get it going
probably i'll get nowhere
i want to follow thru with EVERY girl now no matter what so i'll be posting all these types of interactions on here even if they fail miserably. maybe we can all figure out how it works together??
i'm basically dedicating the next month to kill flakes and master follow up game...
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