June 02
Just had a chat over skype with keychain. We talked about a lot of interesting stuff including how it may be healthier learning game from someone has actually HAS a life outside of game… and how it may be healthy short term to go thru a huge period where you just game game game – but eventually you have to just go on with your life and approach girls as you see them. Or it just gets stupid. Also we talked a lot about my recent flakeages.
I realize in addition to being less funny I really have to start qualifying girls more. Again as in with the “Being too funny” thing knowing about it and doing it are 2 very different things.
I’m going to do a “Qualification challenge” starting right now. Any sets I do from now one, I’m going to run at least 2 qualifiers, right at the start of the set! (Indirect qualifiers)
You ever walk down the street and everyone just looks kinda miserable and unhappy? Well, sometimes I see someone walking down the street just happy and smiling and I think it’s awesome! It makes me feel good just knowing there are people out there like that, that are just happy and positive and are sharing that with others….
I love hangin out with creative people – I find that they are just more full of life and always have fresh perspectives on everything… u know. They are awesome!
I love people who travel, I find they are just more open and adventurous, open to new experiences… you know like, they really live thru their passions. That’s so amazing…..
Active people who are really active in life, get out there and try new things, you know? Who really experience all that there is to experience in life. Like yoga, or swimming, or whatever. Those people are great….
I will try and get to at least 25 sets this week and we’ll see how it goes. Also, I’m going to STOP taking girls numbers. At least, the really hot ones, I won’t take their numbers. I’ll take facebooks only for other girls I wanna get out to my comedy gigs – but for the genuinely hot girls – no numbers. I’ll know if they don’t call – it was a weak set.
Time to take my game to the next level!
Those are just some examples … the travel and creative ones keychain mentioned to me…. The first one about happy people I got months ago from sexy arab and the last one there I came up with just now. But, I’m sure they’re all out there somewhere. ( I just like to give credit )
So yes – can’t wait to get out there and do this. Starting tomorrow!!
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