Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Massive Epiphany how to improve my game (again)

April 27th 8am

Yad’s sleeping.

Yad had a big fucking Epiphany ... - I had possibly the biggest one I will ever have. Again.

My greatest asset in comedy is my Achilles’ heel in game. Although I’ve known it before, I truly understand now what's been costing me girls. Sexy arab told me. Ace told me. But Yad broke it down so CLEARLY after seeing me game. God dam it!

I'm waaaaaaaay too funny in set. I'm not building comfort. That’s the most obvious point. I don’t give the girls a fucking chance to share anything because I’m always joking around. I’m actually scared to let there be silence because – what if they don’t fill it? What if they just stare at me and it will be awkward?? THAT’s why I go into comedyguy mode with the really hot girls. Simple!

Plus they're thinking "why is this guy tryin so hard to get me? Is he this funny all the time? What is he hiding?" ...

Essentially I’m qualifying myself to the girl, talking all the time……. It’s try hard! God it’s so fucking obvious.

It hit me like a brick when yard girls would be thinking “are you always this funny”

BOOM. It hit me. I’ve heard that from SO many girls. They were trying to tell me – they were saying “calm down. I want to get to know the REAL you. Stop being funny” … but they didn’t say all that… just “are you ever yourself?” … and I’d reply “this is myself” or “I can’t help it. I’m hilarious” or whatever. I wasn’t really listening. I was too busy entertaining.

As Yad explained (as I’ve explained to my own students) …. The fact that I’ve opened, and been funny evein for a moment. That’s enough to set me apart from the vast majority of guys. Girls already want to get to know me. Just share some personal stuff, and get them to open up, and that’s IT. NO MORE JOKES!

SO many girls have asked me "are you ever normal?" or "are you always this funny?" or "are you always like this?" ... and all those girls had the same look in their eye, u know? that " i wanna get to know you" look. and i just wouldn't shut the fuck up!

GOD DAMN IT. It took 3 top pua’s to tell me this shit for it to really really sink in. I can see how guys who aren’t surrounded by top pua’s would keep doing the same mistake over and over… it’s hard to change when something is so ingrainged, u know?


My lays are gonna triple when I get this down.

April 27th 5.51 am.

Yad’s mission for me – do some sets where I cant’ crack one joke. I just said to him “dude, that’s like telling mohommad ali to get into a ring – but not punch!” haha

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