Friday 3 October 2008

Sept 23rd - early hours

Well I just won a thousand euros so I’m in good spirits. I spoke at the real man conference. My speech was well received and got some good laughs. The Speakers that went really well Zan 1st on day 1 (I didn’t see it) and Seb drake (first on day 2 – I didn’t see it) and Adam Lyons (I was really impressed, fucking great shit – and FUNNY!) I actually said to him “uhh dude – I’M the funny one. Stop that! Lol) he told some great stories which were entertaining – and had useful information in them. And he very simply explained his theory that you need 3 things for game. The shit made sense. check out his website for more info. He also game me a really nice plug while he was on which was really cool of him. Thanks dude! Oh also I saw Johny Soporno for the first time. I was really really imnpressed by him. I mean, holy shit. I’ve HEARD of him before. Yeah. But I HEAR about a lot of people. But this dude is the REAL DEAL! He just talked about honesty game in his own way and how marriage is a sham. Women are brought up to be contract whores. This part was nothing new to me but he put it eloquently. It was really awesome shit.

I met him really briefly after and he ran off. I was with keychain and a couple of other guys… keychain was gonna come into town with me but he wanted to split the cab with the other guys. I’m like dude it’s fine. I’m cool on my own. Go! So he goes. Walking to leidsplein I run into … you got it. Johnny soporno!! Siick! He says to hang out with him. In this time I learned a lot of shit! I opened a few sets and stuff when I saw you cute girls around. He didn’t say much in the sets. Mostly the girls were drunk and annoying but I kept at it. This one set this really sick thing happened. I open this cute little Spanish girl we’re chatting but I can tell she’s not really interested. Johnny comes over. He makes eye contact with her but doesn’t say shit. When she leaves, she says “nice to meet you” while looking at him, and she kino’s him – her hand lingers on his arm. I say to him “dude she wanted to fuck you!! And he’s like “I know!” I’m like “dude you didn’t do SHIT!” … I’m like “it’s not fair! I’m better looking than you! This is bullshit!! What the fuck!!!” and his explanation was

“it wasn’t happening with you, so it was a bit weird. She needed someone to connect with. So when I looked at her she connected with me – looking at her was enough. That’s what happened…

holy shit. A new level. I talked to him quite a bit that night. He explained his secret. He gets to know girls. I’ve heard it before but clearly I’m still not doing it right.

also he reassured me that Amsterdam is a hard place to pickup in. he said there’s 3 places that suck. Toronto, Amsterdam, and uhhh what was the third one. I can’t remember. Thank fuck for Toronto – I always struggled there. Probably it was because I didn’t’ have game, but I’ll blame some of it on the chicks. Thank’s Johnny. Thanks. Heh.

This guy fucks loads of porn stars and hot chix and has threesomes and all this shit. And he’s an overweights guy who looks about 45

I am nowhere near my potential. This guy really motivates me. he should be the poster boy for the fact that game works. Seriously. Him and david x.


And we’re gonna hang out in Toronto!! Yay!!

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