Tuesday, 19 August 2008

oh boy oh boy oh boy

Well, there's a shit load of e books and stuff i've got and have been meaning to read. Too many in fact. Now I've decided to read and start implementing these new tactics in my game. Not just to improve my game, to see what works and what's BULLSHIT! So over the next few months i'll be bloggin about the new methods i'm trying and how they are working for me...

I figure, let's start with something that's been around for a long time. One of the founding fathers of seduction: That's right.

Ross Jeffries: Aka speed seduction

Now I know, I know what you're thinking. "what are you, crazy?"

Yes, it seems a bit evil. It is, essentially, hypnosis. I know that. But, well - what if it works? I'd like to know. I've just read everything up to chapter six (well more accurately, i'd read the first 4 before and stopped. that was a couple of months ago. Now i've read 4 and 5. I can see how it works. I feel a bit dirty already.

Should be an interesting few weeks/months....

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