Sunday 17 August 2008

My students Arrested druing a bootcamp!!

Had a bigger bootcamp yesterday, 4 students with me and Dr. Yen as a guest instructor. You won’t fucking BELIEVE what happened – Dr. Yen and two of the students were arrested. For opening sets!!!

We split into 2 groups, I’ve got 2 guys with me in Topshop doing store sets and I get a text on my phone from one of my students

“lol, I got arrested. I want a discount!”

I think “haha … it’s a wind up… probably he just got yelled at by a security guard or whatever…”

We meet up with them and I get the whole story. I wasn’t there, but turns out ANOTHER PUA (not in our group) saw the whole thing. He posted it on our lair, …. I’ll let the following posts speak!


Thats right....
I was just on my way to my spot where I like to do some game when I spot 3 dudes with the PUA uniform. I spotted them and went to lean against a wall to see them in action from a distance while I was making sure that they were in fact PUAs.

I see one of them do a 3 set aproach and eject in 3 seconds, so I had some doubts.
Then, another one of them crosses the street to speak to this blonde lone wolf and after him goes a cop.

In matter of seconds, the cop arrests the guy that now just looks completely shock and disbelief and I think that he actually handcufs the guy. A second PUA crosses the street to see whats going on and gets arrested as well... So the third PUA just goes in and the party begins:

3 random dudes are arrested and searched in a corner of Oxford St. by one uniformed cop and 2 other civilian-dressed. I wanted to help, but I was risking exactly the same as the other 2 dudes and besides, I dont even know them, so I better mind my own business.

So I move on to my spot, open a lone wolf.... takes me 30 minutes to get her number and I walk back Oxf. St. again... AND THEY'RE STILL THERE!!!

Seriously... if you're reading this and you're the dudes, please just tell us what the hell just happened... Is it because you were opening too many sets on cctv?


Dr. Yen

The first and third ones were students, the second one was me.

Fucking arseholes.

I don't lose my temper easily. But that cunt really flipped a switch.

I saw one cop handling my guy really roughly for no reason, so I jumped in and got involved. Then another plain clothed came out of nowhere and got me while I was trying to write down his shoulder numbers. Then another student came in to see what the fuck was going on. Yeah, you guessed it. He gets nicked too.

They just go on about "dipping" and codes, like we were meant to understand them, and offered no alternative explanation in English.

They thought we were a gang of Romanian "dippers", although they refused to explain what "dipping" actually means. They got really abusive and physical, left one of my boys in cuffs for ages even after they realised they'd just made twats of themselves.

I'm still in utter disbelief at how inept, abusive and overly zealous they were.

No explanation. Hardly identification. Fucking unbelievable.

Then turns out "dippers" are people who nick shit off people's bags.


More later, I'm off to get some sleep. Everyone's fine and we had a fantastic night after.




haha yeah was yen, me and 1 more.. cant believe another PUA saw this... I was quite freaked out by it, but Yen pushed me back into sets again shortly after... was an awesome day and night... cheers Yen and to sleep now zzzzzzzzzzzz


Yeah we knew the Yen/Sasha bootcamp was going to be explosive but we didn't expect hand cuffs to be used (in the day) lol

i'm with my 2 guys in topshop and i get a text from one of the other students

"Lol just got arrested i want a discount!"



a discount!?!? cheecky bugger!! Grin Grin

I honestly would be on a plane to Canada right now if they'd tried to arrest me for not reason. honestly i'd have lost it and fought the police. no joke. nobody would ever, ever see me again.

I hate pigs


ahahahahaaaa fame!

that was the most random thing ever, got blown out like 10 plus times then one of the very few sets that opens and hooks nicely; BANG im in handcuffs. Shit.

Almost gives me a very negative image of this whole pick up thing. . . almost

P.S - I ended up doing an all nighter in london as i missed my train, had an AMAZING 5+ hour conversation with a finnish girl who was also doing an all nighter after going to V festival. Had a little kiss before she caught her train in the morning, shame logistics didnt really allow for more. pretty girl too Grin

And i still want that discount sasha! paypal me baby!


Yep. There it is. What more can I say? Un FUCKINg believable!!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! This is crazy. I can somewhat see the cops perspective, especially if they are observing a group of guys approaching tons of random strangers...they should be suspicious....but acting like a bunch douchebags without at least calmly questioning you guys first is unacceptable.

Bil said...

LOL that is a story that you guys will remember for a looong time to come. Police can be wankers, make a complaint and you can ask to see the cctv footage from the street, body language of the officers and they way they treated you will be on film.

But all that is pushing ya comfort zone!