Sunday, 30 December 2007

Small Epiphany about frame/body language

I was walking down the street just outside Wood Green tube station this man (who was clearly homeless) started to approach me. I knew what he was going to ask. He had this desperate look in his eye - I could tell he wanted something just by looking at his eyes, I didn't need his clothes as a clue. It was clear he was defeated man from his body language. His shoulders were slumped and his face was just giving it all away. He looked hopeless. I knew he'd been turned down 100 times already that day and it made it really easy for me to do the same. He was expecting it. I shook my head no even before he asked me for money and he just sauntered along, off to his next target. He wasn't persisPublish Posttent at and I didn't expect he would be.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I just though to myself "Can you imagine if this guy was trying to pick up?"

This guy even with the best clothes and clean shaven and washed would have no chance at all.

He was coming in with "Beggar's frame" ... he'd already been shot down and he was expecting to get shot down. Not a hint of confidence at all. Any woman would just think "If everyone else has shot him down, I don't want him either!" ... he could be the most amazing human being in the world, but with "beggar's frame" nobody is ever going to find out! He's never going to get past the approach

When a hobo approaches us, think about how easily we just say "no" and wave them away. It's automatic. We see them coming and we just shoo them off! It's just as easy for a hot girl to shoo you away as well!!
Think how much much easier you make it for a woman to dismiss you in such a manner if you come in with crappy body language.

So for all you new guys (everyone really) next time you approach a set, keep that image of that poor, stinky, defeated, hopeless man in your mind. Think about his sorrowful, unshaven face. His swollen, hungry belly and his slumped shoulders. His dirty, stinky clothes. And his shaky hand he got from nam in '69. He pees himself whenever there's a loud noise.

Don't be that man!! Avoid Beggars frame when you approach a set at all costs!!!

Ps - should I call it "beggar's body language?" that rhymes as well lol

p.p.s i could go on and on and make more examples and correlations between this and a pua approach blah blah blah but you get the point.

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