Meet by buddy khan (not a pua but knew who mystery was – guess he IS huge!) and I open a set (target had a bf, got facebook) another set with 18year old hottie (she was scared of me) and then I just moved my chair right over to this 3 set (2 ug’s and an 8) and I said “That’s it. I don’t think we should see each other anymore!” and she’s like “ I don’t even know you!” and I said “I find it easier breaking up with girls when they least expect it!” she laughs … “this way I have the satisfaction of dumping a girl and you have a non terrible memory of being dumped. Usually it’s a lot worse than this, right?” and they love it. also I’m thinking you could say, jokingly “HA, you do YOU like it!” talked some, she liked me but had a BF. Got facebook (will invite them to comedy!)
Went to the gym, opened sad hb 8.5 polish girl (boyfriend) but she works at a beauty salon. It’s agreed she’s going to drag some girls out one night so I took her email.
Ok I meet frank and I open a set or two to warm up. First one the girls were actually in shock from my new opener. (breakup opener) They couldn’t handle it, or me when I was talking to them after. I think I came in TOO high enevery. They were entertained but stunned. One was hot, one wasn’t and the hot one looked pretty young. So I just moved on. Used my new direct approach on this 3 set “Dam! You guys can’t be walking around looking like that! Who told you to dress up like that? Guys are going to be smashing their cars into posts and shit! Put a bag over your head! you guys are killers!!” Now the black girl was like “if only other guys could talk like you. You should be teaching guys how to pick up girls!” Ego boost!! Anyways I’d reached hook point with the black girl but not so much with the others. They were on their way into a club. They stopped to look at a map and I was starting up again – interrupted by some guy touting some other club, then one of them says “it’s this way!” and pulls the black girl away. She keeps looking at me and is like “byyye!!” … it would have been weak to follow them so I waved goodbye and we proceeded to sugar reef.
It was dead in there. Deaaaaaaaaaad. There was like 1 good set. Hb9 asian and hb8 blondie and hb7friend and this one guy. This Chinese girl kept making retarded faces every time someone took her a picture. I go over and I’m like “your retarded face sucks. I’ll show you how to do one properly” and I get them to take my pictures with frank and I make a completely retarded face while he looks normal. We do this 2 more times and each time he looks normal. This makes frank a retard, ironically. I get some good banter going with the girls while pulling the guy in as well. He keeps looking at the menu. It’s the hbfriend’s birthday so I say to her – cool I have a birthyday present I’ll give it to you later, and we wander off. Dance floor sucks. No hotties. I get an ioi from hb6 and ignore it. dance a bit. We get a water and go back over. I say “ok time for your present! But you have to open your mouth and close your eyes! “she’s like no!” and I’m like “don’t worry it’s nothing bad!” and she just looks at me. I said to the Chinese one “what’s with her?” and she says “if she doesn’t want it she doesn’t want it!” and I finally relent “ok ok, it’s just a magic trick. Are you ready? And she’s shaking her head no. at this point the guy has his arm around her, showing his manliness and his alphaness. He’s protect her from big bad me with my vanishing ring trick. It never hurt anyone, I swear. It’s all going tits up fast and so to really lame it up and turn to the blondie “you can have her present if u want!” and she’s like “uhhh no” … I say “fine! And I do that turny head motion and walk off. You know, “Hmph!” .. I hear them laugh as I do this, so at least I exited with a touch of grace but It was really going down the shitter quick, I tell ya.
Anyways I say to frank “fuck this noise. It’s 11.40 and it’s not still dead in here. Let’s hit hoxton!” and as we go back to coat check there’s a HB8 and her friend HB7.5 so I open the 8 and tell her I’m going yo guess where she’s from. She’s Russian. I talk to her in Russian. She’s smiling right away. Frank talks to the other one. It’s going well. My one says they are going to hoxton I say “cool we are going to bars there, we’ll come with you! Hang on a minute let us get our jackets!” .. now there’s a a small line at coatcheck (people are leaving!) and I know they could just leave but I’m pretty sure I’ve got hook and she likes me so we go over and get our coats. I see them move outside, and a little voice in my head says “run after them! but I don’t panic… gotta keep the strong frame all the time – if she can’t wait 5 mins for me fine – I didn’t game her well enough… we get the coats and the girls are there waiting for us. So we keep chatting and I get her number on the tube. We make plans to play “durachok!” which is a russian card game. Yaay. She tells me she’s going to teach me another one too… cool…. Frank gets email from the other one as she’s going back to Barcelona in 2 days … hopefully he will see her when he goes there…
IN hoxton we go into this bar. The one just next to electric. 2 hot blondes on the side.i move right up to the hot one “I don’t think we should see each other any more!” and she’s stunned. Like “WHAT?” … “yea that’s right. I’m breaking up with you. I find it’s easier with the girl is least expecting it!” she is still shocked…. “you never call me anymore. I think we both know it’s been over for quite some time (pause) but I really think we should still be friends! Finally she says “uhh where did you get THAT one?” (bitch shield is very much up!” and I say “I came up with that one myself. Earlier today. Only tried it once before. I said to my friend, first 2 hot girls I see I’m gonna do it. oh come up, points for originality! “and she’s like” weeelllll and I say “at least it wasn’t… hand on I’ll come in again” and I walk away, come up to her looking her right in the eyes and I say “If I were to re arrange the alphabet I would put you and I together” hahah no wait or I could have done this (walk away) come back in “hey can I borrow a quarter, I told my mother I would call her when I fell in love… or wait, how about this. This one I actually like” … walked away, came back “girl, you so fine, I’d drink your bathwater with a straw!! Haha!! It’s from fresh prince of bel air!!” and by this point the bitch shield was DOWN. That’s it so I chat with them, DHV DHV I think I threw a neg but I’m not sure, I was just having fun… It was clear they loved me I just said “you guys have boyfriends or what?” and my target says “yea I have one” and the other one starts to say “at the moment!” and I interrupt and say “but, you’re gonna leave him for me? Haha” and the other one says “that’s not what I was going to say!” and I say “go ahead” but she didn’t finish. Later frank told me she was about to say whether SHE had a BF. I was getting a lot of IOI’s from the 2nd girl - she was still HB 8 but my target was like a 9 or better. One of their friends came in to save them and I suck him RIGHT in. I was in the middle of a story so I catch him up and then finish it. He says just checking you guys are alright and leaves. Eventually I’m like “well we gotta go. Give me your facebooks” … I say “I can invite you out to a comedy show, or, you guys could come to party with me one night” and they’re both like “we wanna come see you do stand up!”
Went to this other bar that had like a 8 set of of some super hot brazilian girls. Got looked at by this super hot one like 2 times, I open with “coma estas!” (ok so they speak portugeeze, close enough!) and she basically ignores me. Ok. We get a drink. They’re all crazy dancking with each other. I open another one with “you guys are from where in south america? Ah brazil. Are all south Americans good dancers? I’ve just taken a few salsa lessons I suck!” so she says something to her friend, who then dances with me. They were dancing meringue but I knew enough to almost keep up for a couple of moves. Just for like 2 minutes. All the guys eyes were on me. Then she went off back with her friend. But as soon as the guys saw me break thru they ALL moved in and tried to open the girls and were all shot down… ah well.
Then there’s a 5 set of hotties all dancing behing this row of dinner tables. It’s like a shield. I go around .. “hey I see what you’re doing, blocking yourself away from all the guys. Is that sub conscious or conscious? Your fault is you’re not gonna meet the really fun cool guys like us!” and she’s like “Yea, if you have the balls to come over here then we want to meet you haha” and I got friendly with this one. HB9, had a BF. Told me which friends were single but that they were old uni friends just partying. She actually said “tonight it’s not about cock. Usually it’s about cock, but just not tonight! Hah!” I figured I’d talk to them more but it was very hard to open them. They were shooting all these guys down, all of them. I was cool with 2 of them but the others didn’t give 2 shits. Also it was very loud… I figured I’d chat at the end of the night but they flew out of there. Ah well I facebooked the leader … it will probably be a flake though. Facebook flake. Haha! How sad….
That place closed at 2 and we go to cargo. They want a 5er each to let us in, but it’s only open an hour. We try game the bouncer but no luck. We way we’ll pay. Then we come up to the girl by the till. I joke with her, tease her, she lets us in 2 for 1. Cool.
I open this half Sudanese half Indian girl. As she walks by I’m like “damn!” so I go direct on her. “Who told you that you could go out of the house like that?” HB “What?” SAsha “You’re too hot. You might actually be hazardous to men’s health. Guys are going to be looking at you and smashing their cars up. Put a bag over your head before you go out. Or mess up your make up, or something…”
HB “Oh my god! You are totally cute too! I can’t believe you said that!”
I talk to her for 2 minutes, find out she doesn’t have a BF, and SHE says “I gotta get your number!” so I get the # talk to her a bit more and walk off. She said she was there with her brother but the guy she was with was groping her a lot. So either she’s a big fucking liar, or she’s into incest. So a win/win situation for me, as I’ll be in familiar waters either way ;)
The there’s this like, oriental 10 on the sofa. Looking really pouty. Like really sad. Bitchy sad. Did I say she was a 10? That’s because she was a 10. that’s why I said that. Maybe 5 foot tall, from Thailand. Perfect body. Perfect face. Perfect hair. Perfect everything. Just for a second I actually feel some AA. Then I’m like “fuck it here I go” … I lean down and make a pouty face to mimick hers. Then I do the cheesy smile thing where you put your pointer finers on the corners of your mouth and turn them upside down… she smiles but then said “I lost my phone! All my contacst! Blah blah” and she just kept goin ON and ON and ON. Being the helpful guy that I am I say “hang on, did you ask the bar staff if they’ve seen it? (she’d left it on the bar for a sec and someone nicked it) and she’s like “no can you ask them for me?”
Hmmmm … now… is this a frame game? Is this girl used to getting guys to do whatever she wants all the time? You betcha. So I can’t just comply. But I don’t’ wanna flat say “no do it yourself” while she’s in a bad state. I have to think fast
“Well, I have to find my friend in a minute. When I do, I’ll swing be the bar and see if they’ve seen it! – what does it look like…”
so I do ask the bar staff if they’ve seen it and they haven’t. it’s gone
I go back to HB10
I try use logic and reason to calm her down and get to know her a bit “look your phone is gone. I know it sucks. But you could still have a good night. Listen, how long have you been in London…” I actually manage to break thru and chat for a couple of minutes. Then one of her friends comes over, I shake his and talk to him a bit. She starts moanin about her phone. Eventually I realize that she’s stuck in a drama. Probably she’s a drama queen (would be expected for a girl that hot) .. I say, well it was nice to meet you. She says “where are you going?” … “to the dance floor. Your no fun. Maybe I’ll see you later” … she was pissy that I was leaving. Now, was it because she liked me or she just wanted another person around so she could have her drama? Maybe both, but probably the latter. I dunno. I was planning on re opening. No point in going for the number close though ;) … but Frank was like “email close dog, for real” …. I’m like “it’s gonna be a flake dude” and he says “yea but, what if she doesn’t flake?” … I say “alright I’ll try get her email!” … anyways we dance a bit, it’s fucking loud on the main floor. There’s an HB8.5 dancing. Nice dress, nice body, nice face. Nice smile. This girl was hot and shaking her booty around big time. She was doing this crazy African tribe dance move (well that’s what it looked like to me) so I lean over and say
“I don’t know where you’re from, but you dance like an African!!”
she smiles and I keep dancing… minutes go by and I think alright sasha, how do we do this? It’s too fucking loud to talk. But I was in good form and very confident so I just walked up to her and said
“Hey. I like your style.…. Judging by the way you dance and your cool dress, I’m guessing you’re an awesome girl – I’d like to find out if I’m right. I wanna get to know you a bit but it’s too loud in here – come chat with me over there by the couches for 2 minutes. If you don’t like me, I promise to piss off and you’ll never see me again!” (somewhere I added in “you could be a complete bitch for all I know, haha!” .. she just said “yeah, sure!” (in fact she tried to be all non chalant about it she actually said “I’m, I’m down for whatever” but was totally sold. There was a massive interrupt/cockblock RIGHT as I was doing my openere “hey I like you’re style….” This bloke LITERALLY RAMS BETWEEN US AND GOES “WHOA WHOA” and says “that’s my girl!” and I say “Hey buddy, relax, we’re just chatting. I have a girlfriend….” and my target was like “chill buddy” and he walks off. I say to her “Is that your boyfriend?” and she says “NO! That’s just my brother’s friend!” … aaahh…. Then I use my line “If you have some 6”4 musclebound boyfriend who’s about to come up behing me and break me, now’s the time to tell me” and she laughs and says “no I don’t have one” (I started using that back in may I think but I heard about it from somewhere since then) … so I continue with the opener and isolate to the couch. Now I don’t know if it’s cuz she thought I was cute or my bold approach, but she was up for it. take her to couch – normal chat. Did 3 truths and a lie (again this is wonderful – she found my lie on the 2nd guess and I totally picked the wrong one all the way .. so I was like “you were better than me! I lost to a girl!! I can’t believe it!” and she’s like “better get used to it, buddy!” she was a lot of fun! Really cool girl. When I shook her hand initially I kissed her all the way up her arm to her check… after that I totally should have gone for the kiss close … well I kinda did at the end when I said bye but I didn’t think she was ready. I said “whoa- u gave me the check! Did u think I was gonna try make out with you?” and she’s like “maybe!” and I said “plant one on my mouth. But no tongue!” and she gave me a wet one…. Felt her up on the hug. It’s a tight body….fuuuuck. she’s in town 2 weeks from Birmingham uni. I said “we could have a great fling in 2 weeks!” and she was like “yea we could!!” oh and she actually asked if I was good in bed and I broke it down for her… I started with “ don’t wanna brag but….” And then I bragged, hehe. Well, only a little…. I actually told her I suck with condoms. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that? Oh well…
p.s frank told me that some girl literally PUSHED that into cock blocking us. Like told him what to do, was standing behind him and SHOVED him into us lol. I’ve never seen such a maneuver! What a fucking bitch, gets some poor kid to do his dirty work for her??
this girl is a solid number. If it was always this easy it would be a fucking joke. It’s so great when the set just goes THAT well. Gotta say, isolation in under 60 seconds was pretty good. (well if you count the dancing line then It was 5 mins but… I don’t count it, so 60 seconds it was!)
Brazil Vivian - opened on the street at 2am. “Your hands look really warm. You’re lucky to have pockets. Look at me, I look like a looser if I put them in these pockets! (was going to get her to kino me and warm up my hands but when the other way) then just normal banter. Eventually I’m like “how many boyfriends do you have?” … none … really?? You must be defective! Or crazy or something!! She’s like “No I’m not!!” I’m like. “ok, come on, we’re going to hang out next week. Give me your number” and she puts it in my phone. Kiss on the check and I’m off.
Great night! Yes I could have fucked the dance floor girl. Yes I am still gay.
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