July 09th
I got into the elevator today with a big ass carrot hanging out of my mouth. Initially I was going down, but I’d forgotten something… so I got on at the 10th floor heading up…. And the floor I was getting off at was before the floor these 2 guys were getting off at. I could feel a slight something in the air… like, something was there something to be said. So I just let loose and said “extra stop. Sorry fellas!”
One of the guys says “It’s ok. You get respect of the carrot”
I said “Yeh you know, I’m trying to eat healthier. 90% of what people eat is shit, you know.”
They agree and we all had a moment of oneness. We agreed on this point. They wished me well and I was on my way.
Pretty simple little exchange, right? I thought about it… and even tho it was just an exchange of pleasantries It went to illustrate a simple point.
The line between having an interaction, and not having one is such a small one. All I had to do was not make the little comment about the floors. He wouldn’t have taken the first step to say “eating carrots eh?” and nothing would have been said. In this case, probably won’t be much difference to my life, directly. However – it’s this habit I’ve got of just talking to everyone and being friendly that over the long wrong, will make all the difference.
Every person you meet is a potential friend, ally, lover, soulmate etc. you never know who’s who. I’m not saying you should talk to everyone because you can get value out of them. Just the opposite… because you should give value, even if it’s as insignificant as a joke, quick chat… whatever. By having positive interactions you’re actually making people feel better about themselves, changing the course of their day ever so slightly… and therefore making the world a better place. They’ll pass that along – if not to you, then somebody else. It doesn’t matter because… we’re all really one anyways.
I’ve always felt this. Trite example: say I was in
Now, some people would take it ready, thank me and be on my way. some would offer me money. Some would refuse, thinking it was some kind of trick and go ahead and but their ticket. That’s not the point – the point is, I felt like it was a waste to just throw the ticket out. If I didn’t need it anymore, it made sense someone else use it… plus, it’s happened to me a few times someone would just give me THEIR pass when I was about to spend 6 pounds to buy one. You can imagine I felt absolutely wonderful. Back in the day when I was broke, saving 6 pounds was a shit load! I’d be happy all day cuz I’d saved that money. So naturally, I felt great, and just passing that along to others given the chance.
In the community the term “Value” is thrown around a lot. Give girls value. Value exchange. “leave them better than you found them.”
I’m starting to really understand this concept now. Again it’s one of those things that is just coming to me, seeping in slowly thru thought and experience.
Value is, making people feel fucking good about themselves, even if just for a moment.
Value is, seeing the value in people – even if they are on the lowest rung of the social ladder
Value is seeing everyone the same, because we are all the same. This goes right in with the spiritual stuff I’ve gotten into. I know that we, all of us – are eternal. There is no such thing as death, and we’re all exactly the same – souls, here on earth to gain enlightenment. The only difference between us is the various degrees we’re all developed. In the real world (i.e the “afterlife”) and in this life, that we’re living now. Most people reading this right now are not awakened and will easily dismiss this truth as they are simply not ready to hear it. some people will never be ready. However, this truth goes hand in hand with why I’m starting to talk to everyone including fucking homeless people and old ladies. They have just as much value as a smoking hot girl… maybe more.
Maybe this is why jesus hung out with prostitutes and restitutes and bums. He saw their eternal light. He knew they were just lost souls, and he wanted to help them. In fact, I’m guessing these people had a lot more to offer him than the “normal” people around.
So - being in that talkativel, warm, friendly state where you you embrace the opportunity to meet people – where you embrace the opportunity to give value and learn and grow… this goes hand in hand with everything I’ve been saying all along. But before it was about trying to get laid. Not it’s more about…. Just being. Being that friendly guy that makes everyone feel good. THAT guy! How could that guy ever not be getting laid? Does that guy even THINK about “Sets?” or “value” or “getting girls??”
Ha! No. he doesn’t have to.
Anyways what the fuck am I rambling on about. We should treat all people well because it’s the right thing to do. Treat everyone well. How would the world be? I realize it’s a pickup blog. But guess what: that’s going to get you laid pretty quick. If you actually lived that like, if anyone did – girls would literally throw themselves at you
Shit – if I think about the couple of guys that I’ve met that are true value givers. I mean, they’re just full of love. They love everyone around them. They have nothing negative to say about anybody. They are loved by all. They can have any women they want. I mean, literally. Any girl that they know would be happy to go to bed with them.
It transcends game.
Game actually becomes irrelevant on that level of enlightenment.
I truly hope I can get to that level.