Thursday, 16 July 2009

Crazy Drunken angry suicidal Christian wants a piece of me!!

June 30th

Tried a few sets today trying to put across Johnny’s belief system. Clearly I’m not doing it right. Lol

First girl, I opened in a coffee shop. She was looking at the sweets and I said “whooaa… you’re not looking at the brownie are you? That brownie is big trouble!!” and she says “haha no I’m looking at the fruit cupcake!” …. Anyways so we start chatting and I shift into the “I’m happy. Life is good. You wanna sit down and have a coffee?” and she’s like “uhh no I have to meet my friend” … I kept going a bit but realized she was investing exactly 0% and it was a dead set. I let her go.

I go to meet up with some other pua guy’s. As I’m waiting this hot Korean girl with a fantastic body walks by….. In a go. I mean, wow! What a body! You don’t usually see breastasis like that on a Korean girl. She’s 30, and married. She seems interested. She just had a fight with her husband of 2 years. I chat a bit. She tries to leave but I re hook her and then try go into the marriage stuff again. We talk about whether women are more free in Canada then in korea. It’s interesting but I actually don’t know how / don’t feel comfortable putting the offer of sex across… even if I did convey the overall message clearly. Damn it. well I get her email but… no point. I haven’t done it right. Bollocks.

I open another girl just as I get off the phone with a forum guy who’s about to cross the street and meet me. She seemed cute (Well, she was cute) but up close she had a little pudgy belly which just doesn’t do it for me. I called her on being a bit sad. She was going home from visiting her dad in the hospital. She claimed she wasn’t sad, she just had a “Relaxed face” that ran in the family. She kept saying this when I mentioned she seemed a bit sad. She kept asking “Did I really look sad?” then I’d say “yes” and she’s go back into “it’s a genetic thing. My mom has the same thing. It’s a relaxed face” .. errr yeah. Anyways… she was a bit nutty. She didn’t have much to say. But, for the sake of learning I tried to push it as far as I could. So, I got her to acknowledge the insanity of relationships and marriage. She agreed. She said she had quite a few friends that had open relationships. I was like “what? Really?? Cool!” …. She said she was single for a long time. After a few minutes I asked her what her view was on the whole thing. She kind of avoided it… I had to ask clearly, what is your view – do you date, do u always have a boyfriend, where do you stand? … she said “no, I’ve been single for a while now.” …. And then I said “well listen, let’s go back to my house and have some fun!” …. She turned to run away and I was like “just kidding!” and she says “I know” … yikes that didn’t work lol. But I chatted with her some more and eventually was like “gimmie your number, I’ll invite you out to blah blah and she’s like cool” … then I said “listen, if you’re ever feeling lonely and you need a hug or… you know (wink) some sweet luvin you can always give me a call” … Now I never gave her my number so that was a bit retarded. But as I left she goes “give me a call!” … so I’ll drop her a line, just to see if she takes me up on the offer. For future sets attempting this new method I’ll do it as Johnny does – give them my number and see if they call. Sigh.

Did a couple more sets normal style and it’s so easy…. Easy easy … but I know I’m not learning anything. Couple more emails/numbers (the hot one had a BF but… will invite to comedy)

I have to keep practicing. I have to re watch Johnny vid’s. it’s like being a noobie again. Hahah. Fuck it. I’ll try some more next time I go out (probably tomorrow)

I did some other sets, but nothing worth reporting. Me being funny, getting #’s for my comedy shows etc. blah blah.

Oh, I almost got into a fight. That was fuckin weird. I just ATTRACT crazies. It’s truly amazing

Ok, so I’d met up with a few lair guys here in Toronto. All nice guys. No idea what they’re doing in field, but all lovely guys. Well that’s not true, one little fucker was running and opening but just using the same opener all the time… so I gave him some more ideas. Anyways, I’d done a couple of sets and after each they’d ask “what did you say, what happened etc” … so I was standing there around 12am explaining some group theory stuff (some of my methods of opening mixed sets, etc) when I noticed this guy in shorts was just standing there, a few feet away, listening in intently. I say to him “hey man, don’t be shy, come on over!” …. He doesn’t move. I say again “we wont’ bite, get on in here!” … so he comes over. I say “alright, I’m just talking about ways to get into conversations with girls… feel free to listen in. Then he just starts on me. “You’re evil man, you’re evil!” … I’m like “what???” … he just goes off “you’re corrupting these guys man…. You’ve got satan in your mind. I’m a Christian. You’re an evil man…blab la bla” … I try and reason with the guy for like 10 minutes. He gets in my face and pretty aggressive. I backed up a bit but he came forward. I accepted that I was ready to fight this guy (I had 4 other guys with me so the odds were pretty heavily in my favor – not that I needed the help. I’ve got a yellow belt in Karate, I’ll have you know ;) ….. I reckoned I could take him. He was on something. Maybe booze, maybe something else. But he was on something. Anyways – I got into my new fight stance that my friend showed me recently. Basically, you put your hands together like in prayer, in front or you chest and half way between you and your aggressor. Then I was like “listen buddy, just relax. Why are you yelling?” and kept talking etc

But, from this position it is very easy to do a palm strike right to someone’s face. I mean, your hand is pretty much near their face….. so you can go from “whoa whoa easy” to BAM. I was very very temped to fight, once again. But, once again… I wouldn’t throw the first punch. This guy really was a bit psycho. I’d be a douche to hit him first. But man it was tempting. I suppose I could have gotten in his face and been all “you wanna go buddy?” but that’s just not my style. But that’s like 2 times in the last month when I’m absolutely 100% minding my own business and someone decides, I’m evil and I need to get told. I really don’t get it. HE told me I needed to find jesus a few times. And that I was evil. Does that mean he’s evil, or crazy, or wrong??

In all honestly – it was his ego talking. What did I do to offend his ego, his sense of reality? I’m guessing my knowledge of pickup did the trick. If me talking about how to pickup girls is what set him off (and, clearly it was as I wasn’t talking about anything else) …. I’m guessing that meant he has little or no success with women. I suppose he needed to get laid. Maybe I should have asked him when the last time was he got laid! Haha… ah well, whatever. Strange. But… a waste of energy in the end….. the only thing I can imagine I could learn from the experience is don’t ask randomers to join in on your conversations. Then again, that would be going against my very being as this point so…. Nah – I just have to accept this as a freak occurrence and move on. Or, accept that my personality type is going to attract nut cases to me on occasion. It is what it is.

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