Yes yes, I haven’t posted in a while. Aww - I'm flattered that someone out there is antsy that I haven't posted in a while! How sweet! you DO love me!! lol
Not a lot was happening. Then something happened. Then it was my birthday. So fuck you.
I went to Zurich last week to do a talk with my buddy Ace.
What a hellhole. I mean really, holy shit.
Boring people. Girls weren’t hot, and they had bitch shields like they were 10’s.
Went to this one big club. I never had so many blowouts in one night. And I was in good state running good game. Well I don’t really run “game” as such but… you get the drift
People that weren’t even involved were cockblocking
Like, I re open this one German girl, and some dude at the bar is like “you don’t have a chance with her, buddy” …. I’m like “you don’t even KNOW here, dude!”
Jesus Christ. THAT’S how bad it is there, that guys are so sure of failure they’ll even tell other guys to forget about it. Nice.
One girl told me to fuck off before I opened my mouth
Other girls would literally just pull their friends away as I opened. All I’d say was “hey!” or “what up party people!” with a smile.
Literally, dragged them away.
I’ve never seen more cunty girls in my life, anywhere
If there is a hell for PUA’s it’s Switzerland. This is where Sinning PUA’s go when they die. Or maybe it’s just Zurich. Or maybe it was just that club. I can’t say for certain. I CAN say for certain I will never, ever, under any circumstances, go back to Zurich. Ever. At any point. Honestly. It was brutal.
Everyone I spoke to was boring as fuck. AS FUCK. Like unbelievable mind blowingly boring. Honestly. It was just painful.
AMAZINGLY I still got some. Just barely.
I was stuck in my mate’s flat as I refused to go out (as it was studly expensive even to take the train) … so I just read books. Got thru almost 2 novels.
The art of learning which was good, and some book on eating pussy which I almost finished. *hah* … “she comes first” I think it was called.
Erm – I’d met this girl online and she was up for getting a coffee
We meet up on Monday I think it was. She was cute and looked like she had a nice bod. I told her everything about PUA. My job, all this shit I know about girls, loads of stuff about game and female psychology. Also I told her I do tantric sex, etc. She thought it was really cool. I was the most interesting person she’s met in either years, or ever. I could tell
I didn’t escalate her at all as I was meeting another girl right after her.
At the end, just before she left the bar (I told her to go first so she wouldn’t ruin my chances with the other girl) she says “won’t you give me a kiss?” and I said “what kind of kiss?” just before she moved in. we make out. She says “:wow you’re a good kisser….”
During our date I’d put the seed into her head that maybe we could see each other on wed.
Then, on tues I messaged her asking if she wants to come see me at my friends house (which is a 90 minute train ride from her place)
She wrote:
the thing is... from where i live to you it takes me1.5 hour. and i can only take the train at 7pm. so iwould arrive around 8.40 and would have totake the last train at 11.14. so tell me, what couldmake me think 3hours of train are worth 2 hours offun? ;) give me a good reason and i'll think aboutit!
I wrote back quite a sexually charged message, insinuating she’s going to get fucked and promising her a good massage.
Her reply was “ok, if I’m goin to get a great massage then it’s worth it”
The interesting thing is, I actually explained to her that women need a reason to go to a guy’s house for sex not to feel slutty. I actually said, I’ll say to a girl “hey, come over to watch a movie, or for a massage” … and she was like “that’s totally true, we don’t wanna feel slutty….”
And yet I do the move on her and she’s down. Hahahah. I find this hilarious! As my buddy Ace said “knowing you’re in the matrix doesn’t get you out of the matrix” … or something. Heh.
Anyways I learned another lesson
If you get a girl in your room, and you’re giving her a massage and you’re rock hard – fuck her. Don’t wait too long. I waited till she almost had to go then my dick had decided it had enough … and refused to co-operate! I’m getting old!! arrgghhhhh
She wasn’t very giving in bed and was.. you guessed it – pretty boring.
Still, she had a fucking amazing body. She thought her body was crap, but it was hot, really hot! Women are weird….
Anyways – I go to Amsterdam and some (pua) firneds from London come to party with me. WE take mushrooms. It was a blast. We ended up cuddling and talking shit on the bed for hours. I held Ace’s chin for about 3 mins. It was fascinating.
People kept pickin fights with me cuz of my crazy jacket. I didn’t fight, but was tempted.
Have some leads from this week, maybe one solid. We’ll see where it goes.
Learned SO much hanging out with Ace. He broke down my game. He explained to me that one of the things I do naturally is challenge social pressure. He's right. I do some crazy shit. Mainly cuz it's fun. I just never though about it much before. I won't even go into it - he's going to write a blog entry on here about what we got up to in a few days, as he's much more aware of what I'm doing than I am...
According to him - I have to work on being more genuine, building comfort, and not being too funny all the time
He descriped my hilarity as a nuclear bomb. You can’t keep using your nuclear bomb all the time. Show it at the start, then put it away.
Makes sense.
Oh – and I have to put more comfort in after breaking rapport (i.e, making fun of girls) … usually I say just kidding. But sometimes I don’t and well.. it’s ackward! Hehe… so now I know to give them a cheecky wink, or touch/hug them after. I’ve already starting doing this and the difference is noticeable. Interesting that girls will bring the comfort back themselves by laughing….
Oh, and stop telling girls they are hot, which I’ve already started implementing also.
My game is going thru a radical, radical, radical change. For the best, I think. No, I know it’s for the best.
These are exciting times... I feel if I actually APPLY all this stuff, my game could get to a really sick level....